Courage To Walk eBook Robert Waxler

Courage to Walk is a family memoir filled with fear and hope a heartfelt story of medical intrigue laced with the magic of poetry and meditation. The author s accomplished son Jeremy, a young lawyer, has called to say he cannot move from his bed; he is paralyzed. Having already endured the loss of one son, Bob Waxler and his wife Linda are not willing to suffer another tragic blow and neither is Jeremy. Anxious but determined, they launch into a courageous journey, each in their own way, and battle formidable odds to make sure Jeremy returns to his friends and the courtrooms that he loves. Courage to Walk is a story that reminds us how fragile life is, but it also tells us something important about compassion and the human spirit what a miracle life can be.
Courage To Walk eBook Robert Waxler
An impatient reader, I normally scan paragraphs and hunt for the meat of a chapter. Not so with Courage to Walk. I found myself reading every word, slowly savoring each like a flavorful bite. I didn't want to miss one. It was effortless to glide along as the narrative shifted back and forth from poetry to the Waxler family's challenging experience. Bob's skill in telling his story supported by the perfect lines of prose that reflected his emotions added another satisfying level for me.One cannot help but joyfully celebrate Jeremy's progress and recovery. For their faith, optimism and unyielding efforts in embracing Jeremy in every way possible as he overcome his devastating illness, my utmost respect and adulation go to Bob and Linda. After vicariously experiencing their ordeal, each of us should feel compelled to hug our loved ones a little longer and savor the knowledge that they are safe and well.
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Tags : Courage To Walk - Kindle edition by Robert Waxler. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Courage To Walk.,ebook,Robert Waxler,Courage To Walk,Spinner Publications,BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY Personal Memoirs
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Courage To Walk eBook Robert Waxler Reviews
In THE COURAGE TO WALK, Bob Waxler writes about his younger son's battle against a potentially paralyzing disease. He describes the harrowing details of Jeremy's journey, beginning with its initial onset, through many doctors' appointments, surgeries, and physical therapy sessions. The book is beautifully written and shares with the reader a very personal glimpse of a family's strength and love.
As an artist uses paints, brushes and canvas to capture his impressions of the world around him, Waxler uses the tools of his craft to paint a powerfully stirring story of family love, parental dedication and enduring hope.
His words are like strokes, his thoughts like the colors he boldly scatters across his canvass. Strong and beautiful in their own right, up close one can easily see their abstractions, the masterful use of wording, the metaphor, the poetry, but take a few steps back, as you would view an immpressionist painting, and you will be moved by the atmosphere of tragedy juxtaposed against the light of triumph.
Courage to Walk, by Bob Waxler
Charles Darwin said there is nothing more terrible to endure than the loss of a son or daughter on the brink of adulthood, which he knew by assessing the cumulative biological investment that our species makes in its offspring, and also by his own, permanent, never-evaporating lifelong grief, from the loss of his daughter Annie. A close runner-up in this grim tally of the threads of gene-deep agony must be seeing a thriving young adult child suddenly, inexplicably brought down by paralysis and great pain.
Bob Waxler, a New England English professor, is comfortable but not coddled. He navigates the family van both by "ponds" and McDonald's. Him the lightening struck twice, in his first (lost), and then his second (sudden spinal paralysis) son. But Professor Waxler doesn't escape into literature; he digs right into the icky details of life, with literature lying like a light garment over the whole story. The doctor says of his second son that "the bladder follows the feet" in any recovery from spinal paralysis. Bob remembers Thoreau's politely wafted remark about the glory of a man's freedom to take a pee on a walk in the woods.
A close reader of William Blake, Bob studies the hospital sheet that lightly drapes his stricken son. I happen to know that it revealed to him what Blake would call the lineaments and sinews of his son's strength, and simultaneously presented to him a shrouded landscape of dismay. It is kind of fun for me that Bob doesn't need to mention that in the book. Courage laces on the literature lightly, with a sure, easy hand.
Hailing from the mostly-agreeably-squabbling, diverse tribe that makes up the American North East urban corridor, Bob offers Jewish-team affiliation, and goes on to note, pro forma, which doctor on staff looks Jewish. But his chosen ones are a Chinese-surnamed doctor, and surgeon with a run-of-the-mill New England name, with no further comment as to faith or ethnicity. It is time to get on with the serious work can we improve his son's 33% chances of getting off easier than Christopher Reeve?
As a Blake reader, Bob knows the "Great Interpreter's" central view that religion is "frozen poetry." Rather than make him cynical, this view seems to blur his spiritual side into humor, or at least self-deprecating pragmatism he gets his hands on some Fatima holy water, wonders about Chinese traditional healing, recalls some words of Jesus, and nuttily considers a healing commune in Brazil run by someone called John of God. Waxler's faith seems to boil down to family and literature he loves his "beautiful wife Linda" as he ponders her contrary modes of cheerleader optimism and dead-stop balk, in the face of that signal grief, parental grief. As for literature, the armor of the lifelong reader, for Bob it is no shell nor escape, so much as a light garment that organizes and reveals for him the "minute particulars" of real life beneath.
Here is an English Major who has been true to his lights, "kept the vision in a time of trouble." Waxler has his path he says the "unnarrated life" is the one that is not worth living. Parents whose very DNA has reverberated with such grief--it doubles down of course with the thought that the young one's suffering is worse than one's own, at second hand, and we would swap--will recognize the deep threads of love in it. Those of us who have been reasonably lucky with the kids so far will recognize threads in it too, because here is the fear every parent puts on, like an old familiar coat, and wears out the door every morning.
An impatient reader, I normally scan paragraphs and hunt for the meat of a chapter. Not so with Courage to Walk. I found myself reading every word, slowly savoring each like a flavorful bite. I didn't want to miss one. It was effortless to glide along as the narrative shifted back and forth from poetry to the Waxler family's challenging experience. Bob's skill in telling his story supported by the perfect lines of prose that reflected his emotions added another satisfying level for me.
One cannot help but joyfully celebrate Jeremy's progress and recovery. For their faith, optimism and unyielding efforts in embracing Jeremy in every way possible as he overcome his devastating illness, my utmost respect and adulation go to Bob and Linda. After vicariously experiencing their ordeal, each of us should feel compelled to hug our loved ones a little longer and savor the knowledge that they are safe and well.

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